Acupuncture & Acupressure
Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient medicine that aims to prevent disease through the use of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. In Chinese Medicine, disease comes from a disharmony in Qi (life-energy), Blood, Body Fluids, Yin-Yang, or the 5 elemental phases within the body.
Acupuncture stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and the healing mechanisms of the body, so your body can start healing itself again, overriding the disease processes. By the choice of specific acupoints along the body, a practitioner can help catalyse different reactions to promote healing.
Moxibustion and Cupping may also be used along with Acupuncture to help aid the healing process.
Common disorders effectively managed by acupuncture & acupressure:
pain and stress relief
emotional/mental disharmonies
sleep and energy issues
drug and alcohol addiction
musculoskeletal injuries
strengthening immune system, allergies, asthma, eczema
digestive problems
headaches, migraines
low energy and fatigue
common cold and respiratory problems
menstrual irregularities and fertility
male fertility
sleep issues