Chinese Medicine
In Chinese Medicine we have Zang (Yin/primary) and Fu (Yang/secondary) organs. The uterus doesn't fall under either of these categories, so is an Extraordinary organ (and they are seriously extraordinary!!).
Ovaries in Chinese Medicine are linked in with the uterus as a whole organ. Western medicine separates the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries into separate entities that together create the reproductive organs of the female (minus the vulva, and vagina). In Chinese Medicine these are grouped together to create the Uterus or Bao Gong (palace of the child).
In Chinese medicine the main functions of the Bao Gong is to store and release the menstrual blood, thicken the endometrium for implantation, start ovulation and to store the Kidney Essence (Jing). The Bao Gong is connected to the Kidneys through the essential essence of Jing that is the origin of menstrual blood, as well as the guiding force of the development and conception of a child. The Uterus is also connected with the Heart via the 'Uterus Channel', giving reason to why menstrual and the function of the uterus is so linked to mental and emotional states. Another important organ in the health of the ovaries and uterus is the Liver. The Qi (chi) of the Liver guides the flow and release of the menstrual blood, and in some texts the Liver is also thought to store the blood for menstruation.
Western Medicine
In Western medicine ovaries are important endocrine glands that secrete oestrogen and progesterone as well as store and mature the eggs for sexual reproduction (oocytes). The ovaries have an important link with the Hypothalamus and Pituitary glands; which cycle hormones throughout the body to create the menstrual cycle. It is the ovary's production of oestrogen that initiates and regulates the growth and development of the female body at the beginning of puberty.
The flow of hormonal and physical changes during a menstrual cycle occur due to the cyclic relationship within the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian link. The anterior pituitary gland is responsible for releasing Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinising Hormone (LH), which are imperative for the maturation of eggs, and ovulation. Once the mature egg has been released from its follicle in ovulation, the follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, which begins to secrete progesterone to support egg fertilisation and implantation into the uterine wall. Once an egg has been released in ovulation FSH and LH levels drop and oestrogen and proseterone take over. If an egg isn't fertilised, the corpus luteum deteriorates and the oestrogen and progesterone levels fall, causing less blood flow to the uterine wall and then its sloughing and creation of the menstrual bleed.
So we can see that these little strawberry looking organs are pretty extraordinary and have some very important functions in keeping our body in harmony. can we take care of our ovaries?
Reduce toxicity and cleanse.
One great thing we can do for our ovaries as well as our whole body is to reduce our daily toxin intake and cleanse our Liver. The sex hormones needed to create the menstrual cycle and ovulation are normally broken down by the Liver. If the Liver is too busy dealing with other toxins like coffee, alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, recreational drugs, caffeine (chocolate - sorry ladies), pesticides & insecticides (found on our food), it cannot breakdown the sex hormones of the previous cycle efficiently and this can mess with the hormone levels of the next cycle.
Doing a liver cleanse (especially in Spring) can help to detoxify the Liver and smooth out the menstrual cycle. Reducing heavy and processed oils/fats and the toxins mentioned above can also help to give the Liver a break and allow it to clean out.
Reducing your intake of caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and any other stimulants/toxins the week before you start bleeding can also help reduce menstrual pain and other symptoms.
Eat more…
Eat more foods that support your ovaries and your sex hormones. The hormones secreted by the ovaries are classified as androgens and are a steroid-based hormone. Steroidal hormones rely on essential fatty acids to exist so a diet with good clean fats is important for healthy hormone production.
Ghee, clean animal fats, oily fish, and bone broths are great for nutritional fatty acids. Making sure that animal products are organic is important as some are fed with hormones for growth and these effect our hormonal cycles when ingested.
Avocados, nuts & seeds, olive oil/avocado oil are good plant based alternatives for adding essential fatty acids to your diet.
Antioxidants can help in the detoxification process of the body and taking activated charcoal during a cleanse can also help to cleanse and reduce toxicity.
Berries are loaded with antioxidants that help prevent cellular damage from free radicals and toxins.
Dark chocolate, green tea and cacao are also great sources of antioxidants and cacao offers magnesium too (great for cramps). Just be mindful of the caffeine in these products and that they may effect the liver, resulting in a negative effect.
Lean proteins and leafy greens are fantastic menstrual cycle and ovaries. Proteins are the building blocks of cells so are important in the post bleed phase of the menstrual cycle as we are rebuilding the uterine walls and maturing eggs. Leafy greens are great for strengthening and cleansing the liver so are fantastic for menstrual and ovarian health. They are full of calcium, iron and folate and are the fundamental fertility foods.
Turkey, chicken and fish are great choices for a more lean animal protein.
Beans, legumes and pulses as well as tofu can be added to any plant based meal to increase its protein value. Remember to mix these with nuts, seeds and grains throughout the day to get your full spectrum protein intake.
Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, seaweed, anything that is dark, leafy and green think good for your liver!
Vitamins and minerals particularly good for the ovaries include:
Vitamin A - carrots, cod liver oil, kale, eggs, pumpkins, sweet potato, spinach. These are important for the process of meiosis which contributes to the production of genetic material in the eggs.
Selenium - Brazil nuts (#1!), yellowfin tuna, shellfish, beef/chicken/fish, tofu, whole wheat pasta/bread and shiitake mushrooms are great sources of selenium. Selenium protects the ovaries and eggs from oxidative damage which can prevent cellular mutations/cancer.
Vitamin C - oranges, lemons, capsicum, broccoli, strawberries all contain good levels of vitamin C which helps the development of follicles and mature eggs as well as boosts the immune system to prevent cancer.