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Chinese Herbal Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient medicine that aims to prevent disease through the use of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. In Chinese Medicine, disease comes from a disharmony in Qi (life-energy), Blood, Body Fluids, Yin-Yang, or the 5 elemental phases within the body.


Chinese Herbal Medicine includes native Chinese plants, but many are similar to Western Herbs. Each herb has different actions relative to their taste, energies and organs targeted. The herbal formulas used at Eingana Natural Therapies are all based off formulas all come from the Classical Chinese Medical texts, and are modified according to each individual's condition, constitution and health needs. 


Traditionally the herbal formulas were decocted as teas in ancient China and I like to keep this tradition alive by prescribing raw herbs to be decocted by my clients for their herbal medicine, however powders and pills are also available allowing practicality for allifestyles.


Common disorders effectively managed by Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine:

  • stress relief

  • emotional/mental disharmonies

  • sleep, energy issues and fatigue

  • drug and alcohol addiction

  • digestive issues

  • strengthening immune system

  •  allergies, asthma, eczema

  • headaches, migraines

  • common cold and respiratory problems

  • menstrual irregularities and fertility

  • male fertility

  • hormone and endocrine imbalances

  • preventative health-care and overall wellbeing

Chinese Medicine Herbs
Herbs and Remedies

​© 2021 by Eingana Traditional Chinese Medicine. ABN 36 734 495 162

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